Monday, November 23, 2009


She tink dis new toy make it ok.  It not.  Look at head - Rod Stewart.  Look at ear - girley ear.

Look at feet - all even and toes sharp pointy.  Smell bad - dumb ting on neck - dumb, hates it.  Got to go in big store to get toy, dat fun.  Everyone like me, pat me head and make goo goo noises.

Dis new toy ok, keeps it.

Person Post Script:  He smells divine and he is squeaky clean - to the tune of $48 (plus big tip) and worth every penny.  He does not like going to the groomer, but let me tell you - he is just irresistible when he is finished!  His groomer, wonderful Debby, tells me that he is the only one who didn't bark and carry on - SUCH a good boy!

1 comment:

Bea said...

Hi! Dis Abbys! I fink you lookes so so cute. You pretty dog. I wears your bandanada for you. I lvoes those. Mom won'ts let me wear more two at time. She say overheat. I say likes to have all them on. I gives you big drooly smooches. K?