Wednesday, November 18, 2009


When I arrive home at 5:00pm the light is already gone.  There's not a trace of sunset's brilliance left in the western sky, or a slant of light filtering through our pretty stained glass windows.  Darkness.  I take the dogs out with a flashlight and pray that the coyotes haven't crept onto the property.  This weekend I plan to campaign for motion sensor lights.  I don't like surprises in the dark - especially the kind that have the potential to hurt my good dogs.

One of the other annoying things about this early nightfall is the limitation that it places upon taking decent photographs!  I have nothing to show - lots of work, no images.  I have a little something on the needles which involves Briar Rose coupled with silk Noro .... it is pleasing in its early stages.  I am not knitting monogamously, but I AM holding true to the commitment I made toward finishing old projects.  Really.

1 comment:

Bea said...

Oh I have the same issue here. Thinking that taking pictures at work is not a bad idea!