Wednesday, December 23, 2009


My dearest Pauline,
No, I did not receive a parcel from you.  We had a hellacious storm which hit south of us - exactly where the US Postal service gathers packages - perhaps they are still digging out from under...

But wait!  When I pulled into the driveway this evening,(having gotten out of work early) there was enough light to see that unusual box lying against the front door!  Since there are no steps leading to the porch or the front door, the UPS man and the FedEx guy never leave a package there.  But now I am remembering - we had rain or snow last weekend and one of those lovely couriers was looking out for you and I.  They decided against leaving your package in the open, and instead,  pitched it under cover of the front porch.  Where it rested, undisturbed, for days.  

But then it gets even more complicated.  

The Can-do-Guy always boards up the front door with cotton batting after we put the Christmas tree up.  This means that there is no access to the porch at all - the batting prevents the north wind from whistling through this old house and we are cozy and forgetful - the front porch no longer exists for us until spring arrives; we just do not open it at all - not to shake out a quilt or a rug, not to empty a dust pan, not to allow the dogs a trot back and forth in the fresh air!  

Oh, Pauline - you really are amazing.

Dupioni silk - with a hand appliqued batik ribbon .... the most elegant bag, the stitches so unbelievably tiny and perfectly spaced - how can one woman create such perfection ...

As if this bag were not enough to lift the spirits - there was a gift inside -

My dear friend, you made me the most elegant wrap that I have ever seen - the generous cut and contour completely enfold me - there are no words that can express the wonder and appreciation and LOVE that I feel when I am engulfed in your work.  Thank you.  Thank you.  You remembered that I am completely smitten with anything paisley.  Your lovely stitches and color choices and this wool- is it Italian viyella?  Dreamy.  And back to the packaging ... oh my.  I can totally envision ALL of my lace shawls and sweaters tucked away in your delicious bags.  Imagine opening the cedar chest to find these lovelies stacked, each cocooning one of my creations. 

What I think is that you MUST begin to offer your magic to the world.  What do you think? Would you mind if I linked you?  Are you ready to present your silk confections to an admiring crowd?


Paulina said...

It never ceases to amaze me how the universe works. I worried and worried. I wanted you to wear this on Christmas in the chilly air. I have one of these and it comforts me through so much. I wear it in the house. I wear it when I am out as it makes the greatest scarf, really the greatest cover in the wond and the deeply chilliest temperatures. Its ample size I created because little scarves just don't cut it when you are walking. I don't drive, so this is what I need to protect me from the unpleasantness of winter. It is not that I don't like winter. I love winter and this is one of the reasons why. I get to wear such lovely raiments for warmth. I look forward to winter because of the fabrics that I can surround myself with. Want more?

Bea said...

Lovely. Happy Christmas to you!