Thursday, May 20, 2010


The sweet baby dog is 4 today.  Andrew came by and took him to the river for a swim - the equivalent to a day at the spa for us, or a night in a casino ... he's happy.  He's such a great dog.
This was my first view of him - my son called from the Cape and asked me to bring a crate, a BIG crate with me.  Oh boy - I knew that something was up.  And then he sent a photo from his phone - an image of himself with a fluffy golden beauty on his lap.  It was then that I KNEW life was about to change!

We had always had a golden retriever in our lives, luckily.  Our last was Harley #1, and he was a prince of a dog.  He embodied the very best that we know this breed to be - gentle, loyal, sweet natured, fun loving and eager to please - and always, right in the center of the family.  A true tribal dog - a loving and trusting soul.  This Harley was lucky enough to gain a second family when I could not care for him any longer, our situation had changed with the winds of divorce and my good friend Becky and her husband Tobias took him in and gave him a beautiful life.  It was heart breaking to say goodbye, but I knew that my friends would be kind to him - that he would never lack for anything.

He had a long life and he was loved.  But we never really got over having to give him up.  Andrew was his 'boy' and my son struggled with the changes that included finding a new place for his dog. 

This new puppy, this "Harley" was destined to make his way into our hearts.  For the first year of his life both he and his master lived with me.  Andrew was working a lot of night shifts as a career fire fighter, so Harley and I naturally bonded.  He was a hand full - sometimes his energy and bad manners would make me weep with frustration!  And I didn't appreciate the time that he dragged one of my quilts into his crate and devoured it.  But I loved him and cared for him and when he and my son moved out, I was sad for a long time.  There was a void that I could not fill.

Last year Harley returned when Andrew had his motorcycle accident.  And he stayed.  And we like it that way.  So, Harley boy- happy birthday.  You are a fixture here and we cannot imagine life without you.  Many happy returns of your day!!

P.S. When I went out to the garden this morning I was shocked to discover that ALL of my broccoli plants were gone, as were my cauliflower and cabbage seedlings AND carrots AND parsley.  And beans.  In short - total devastation.  I called Scott, wailing.  Tonight he came home with fencing and steely determination.  This is one event that we WILL succeed in winning.  WATCH ...


soggybottomflats said...

What a pretty dog, your Harley. Happy Birthday to him. My condolences on your garden...are you going to go back at it with a vengeance?

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I can't believe the whole garden gone? It sounds like you need an electric fence around it.

Happy Birthday to Harley!!

Mary Anne Rittenhouse said...

Happy Birthday to your beautiful pup! And so sorry about your garden. I'm certain you will win this fight. Have fun fencing this weekend!

Bea said...

oh Hawley!! Mom not tell us it you bifday!! You right teen Abby n me. I have bifday 5 day afer you!! we have party gether?? Lots toys. we sing you

Hapy Birfday dear hawley!!!!!!!!
Hapy Birfday dear hawley!!!!!!!!
Hapy Birfday to you!!!
Hapy Birfday dear Hawleeeeeeeeeeey!!!!!!!!!!!

Loves from Gussy and Abbys!!!