Sunday, March 4, 2012

in the sewing room

Many beloved photos surround me in the place where I create.  My parents were younger in this image than I am today.
My babies -
They both had the most beautifully round and apple-like heads!  No cones in this gene pool!

Have you ever used a contractor's trash bag?  They are huge and super strong and I filled four of them to capacity this weekend.  I finally found the courage and the energy to THROW OUT items that I no longer use/need.  And yes, this included fabric.  Hard to believe.  My resolve wavered when I came across these bags -
This collection of snippets and bits represents nearly 12 years of quilt making.  I used to save every scrap and after a quilt was completed I would bag up the remnants.
I really wish that a collage/portrait/mosaic fiber artist would step forward and claim all of this fiber-y fortune.  I am attached to it and unable to toss it, although I know that I will never use it.  And believe me, it's taking up my precious space!
Many bloggers like to post images of glamorous newly-stacked fabric.  I admire those shots, but here is what happens when I get busy...
Nothing ordered or pretty about it!
My mind likes linear patterns.  My heart seeks the circular.  And everything gets very confusing when I attempt to clean up, to put to order, my sewing space so that I might choose ONE SINGULAR project to work on.  There are too many UFO's calling from every corner.  I finally found something that I could get behind-
Kaleidoscope.  A quilt that will be composed of EVERY piece of fabric that I own.  Those that I don't find agreeable for this piece will be tossed.  I'm quilting heeere!!  (said in my best Ratso Rizzo nasally tone!)
Kaleidoscope is a quilt that will bear my stamp.  It appeals to me enormously in its infancy - a very good sign as we will be spending many hours together.  I can close my eyes and imagine snuggling under its great weight one day.  Will I be able to remember the stories behind some of my fabric selections ... 
A little Oliver and Co balloon dress which is waiting for a sweater - will this be the year?!!
I'm going to do something that I've never done before - I'm going to post a little gift before I send it off tomorrow.  I won't make excuses for myself or my maddening impatient nature.  I will say, however, that you should go away, Suz.  (You know who you are).  Come back on, say, Friday!
I love this so much.
and here -
This was pure joy.  It reminded me, with each knitting session, of why I return to my needles, time and again.


Paulina said...

Oh, if I were there, I would load all of those fabrics into my car and giggle all the way home. I was never a quilter until I got to Oregon. So I sit here looking at quilters' quarters and wish they were mine. If you save those bags, when I get my tax money, I will send some to you to mail it all to me. Oh my god, I would be in heaven. Right now, I am making little dresses for my grand daughter who just turned 3. And I knit. And I dream. The knitted flower is beautiful. I miss you.

Suz said...

too late....I'm bawling
and dear Jody,it couldn't be any more beautiful... She is truly a blessed little bud...thank you for giving her a gift...she still has a heart that beats
I love you for this

MeinSie said...

I love being that cozy world of fabric color fiber and you provide a glimpse of that for me!
As I am still living the life of a gypsy, I dare not pile up too much!
I disciplined myself to produce Dulce's flower girl's dress (my amazing niece, Juliet!) and now have an assortment of yellow's to consider for a remembrance quilt - maybe for a grandchild???
I am sending to Dulce a quilt a friend of mother made.
All the fabric was leftover from dresses that same sweet neighbor made for Dulce. Every year for years, Mrs Rother would march down the road on Dulce's birthday with a wonderful dress and deliver it into the hands of my mom...

Diana LaMarre said...

Kaleidoscope looks like a perfect pattern to use up scraps.

My sewing space looks exactly like yours when I am "in the groove"--nothing orderly about it either--I grab fabrics and toss them to the floor, grab another, etc. looking for the one that speaks to me. I think most quilters are like us--not the orderly pics you see on line all photoshopped to eliminate anything that gets in the way of orderliness.