Sunday, September 20, 2009


Weekends take on new meaning when one returns to the workplace.  Suddenly it is paramount to leap from bed at the first sign of light.  The early bird gets the worm, and all that.  Bear with me, I promise to hit my working stride and stop whining about this.  Soon.

There was a caravan on Saturday of minivans hailing from Jersey -  a sure sign that autumn is arriving, and with it - the apple pickers.  Our quiet country road becomes a freeway of impolite and ungracious drivers, each trying to beat the next to the orchards.  There's enough for everyone, people.  Please. Slow. Down.  I'm walking here.

I've noticed that some of my favorite bloggers refer to their significant others in pseudonymous ways.   I like this playful technique of protecting and keeping our family members anonymous.  I've been pondering obscure tags for my partner,  the Master of the Can-Do.  He is one of those self-made renaissance types.  He can build a heartbreakingly beautiful piece of furniture from a photograph - he can sleep an entire Sunday afternoon away.  Secretly, I think his middle name should be 'Ready', because he is - for anything.  Don't look for his picture here, both he and my son have ways of avoiding the camera lens.  Speaking of my son, his is a toss up between The Enigmatic One and Mr. Mercurial!   This is a young man whose career choice finds him running into burning buildings.  We have called my lovely daughter The Bean since childhood, but when you see her you might agree that Hollywood is more to the point.  She will let me know which she finds more offensive.  Trust me, she WILL let me know!

Anyway, it was a lovely Saturday.  Can-Do-Guy was refiguring a display piece that he had built originally to showcase my cinderella pumpkins and gourds.  He is getting it ready for next week's charity golf outing/auction.  The Enigmatic One came by on his rebuilt crotch rocket (shudders) and spent some time with his mother and his dog.  The only one missing was The Bean.  I keep waiting for her return.  I never stop missing her.

Last spring I requested a new pergola to frame my long perennial border.  I made a few short sketches and turned my back, knowing that the Can-Do-Guy would create something really special.  I was careful to include my wish that this structure not overshadow the natural beauty of the existing stone walls and old-orchard landscape.  What I received was what I now refer to as the Parthenon!!!  Honestly, it's imperial, it's downright grandiloquent!  Prudence is not in his vocabulary.  Go large, or go home!


Anonymous said...

What an incredible arch. This should be featured in Veranda Magazine. The bridge curves in the air as though it was born there for God himself to sit upon. Truly gracious.

Diana LaMarre said...

Wow, that pergola is wonderful! How lucky you are that Mr. Can-Do is so talented!