Thursday, April 28, 2011

aprons for Apifera

Some progress on the Apifera aprons - but I am now reconsidering this project.  Perhaps this piece would be more suited to a banner for the pie event... something that Katherine could hang on Pino's Pie day -
After all, a good deal of effort went into this project and it might be wasted on an apron where the 'wearer' would be unable to see the image!!  Back to the drawing board ...

A quiet day - a day to admire the redemptive nature of spring -
When the temperatures spike, the tulips fairly jump out of the ground!  Their brilliance will be brief this season.
It bothers me when they shatter prematurely.  I want the tulip season to go on indefinitely.  
And - truth be known - I want the shad flies to rot in hell disappear as quickly as they came.  They swarm about my face and ears and make life generally unpleasant.  I wonder what their purpose is in the grand scheme of things.  This is one of the many questions I have - and hope to present, when and if, I meet my Maker!


JelliDonut said...

Banner, apron--whatever you do with this, it will be glorious. I'm stunned at how beautiful it is.

I feel the same way about tulips. They go away too quickly.

Delisa said...

Your donkey quilt is an incredible piece of art! My goodness, I have never seen anything like it, you really captured them. I think you are right, an apron might not make the most of it, this is really unique. I know Katherine will love it! How I wish I could travel and see Pie Day and meet everyone in person, pet Pino and the gang! Did you ever see Katherine's article in Sommerset Life magazine a couple of years ago? That is where I first heard of Apifera and I have read her blog ever since. You are so talented Jody, you have such skill and flare. This piece is truly special! I think it is going to bring joy for years to come. Delisa :)

sophanne said...

Those donkeys are amazing. Incredible. Gorgeous. I'm not just saying that to be a "good co mentor.". That is stunning.

Jane said...

Gorgeous tulip pictures. Love to see them dancing in the sunlight like that. Those donkeys are truly wonderful too. Should be admired by everyone.