Tuesday, November 23, 2010


There was a lot happening around here on Sunday.  The ironing of the napkins was abandoned, as
a project that I have been clamoring begging for began to take shape;
The Long Awaited Pen.  The temporary place where Harley will be able to exercise (supervised) when the snow and ice claim the roads that we walk each day.  We do a fast gaited 2.5 miles each morning, much of it up hill, and the pavement can get really perilous - not to mention the drivers.  I could spend a lot of time discussing the people who drive up and down our road.  There is a day care center about one mile from here on our route, and I have witnessed driving that should create legislation, truly.  It is horrifying to see how recklessly parents drive with young children in the car.  Anyway.  The pen will be wonderful.
Harley and I will be safe on inclement days and the expletive name calling and finger waving sign language will cease!  I want you to know that I've spoken to the local police about this matter.  They blew me off with their claim that I walk during the time that they change shifts, so they are unable to position a radar trap.  Nice.
Sunday was the perfect sort of day for pen-building.  It was also good for lace-drying -
This is the Lovely Leaf Lace Scarf from The Purl Bee lounging in the November sunshine.  This merino/silk combo is so gorgeous and dense that it only partly dried after many hours.  Must. Have. More.

We talk about our never-ending parade of UFO's and occasionally post one or two so as to accelerate the finishing process.  This doesn't always work out so well for me, but I like to think that journaling my projects will, in the end, help me to at least CONSIDER finishing them!  Someone is desperate for a holiday outfit-

One of my cousin Lori's creations - an Elf doll, badly in need of a wardrobe!  She has been sitting around for a few years in her perfectly muslin nakedness, and I have vowed to clothe her this season.

Everyone looks better in lace.  About 20 minutes after this image was taken, my stomach started to do a spiraling watutsi dance.  Which lasted for the better part of two days.  Brutal, I tell you.


sophanne said...

I know that watutsi dance- and even after two days it sticks in a little hula every now and then. That lovelyleaflace scarf is beeyooteefull

SusanB-knits said...

Beautiful lace scarf! I do hope you are feeling better and your dancing stomach has settled down.

JelliDonut said...

Obviously, talent runs in the family. I hope you're on the mend by now.

Diana LaMarre said...

Beautiful scarf! Is that the one for your Mom?

I hope you are feeling better.

Happy Thanksgiving Day to you and your family.

Bea said...

The scarf is beautiful. I'm glad you guys will be safe for walks this winter. The elf doll is fantastic. Your cousin is extremely talented.