Saturday, January 21, 2012

lovely snow and hexagons

The inside-out pajama trick worked!
The snow has been falling since early morning.  Love it.
The cardinals have returned to the feeders - although this image, taken from indoors, is too dark to discern the scarlet beauties.  You'll have to take my word for it.

On a different note - I discovered (late to the party, as usual) the Beekeeper's Quilt from Tiny Owl Knits.  I've already fallen in love with this pattern on so many different and potent levels!
First of all - I'll have the chance to use up all of my small leftover sock stash and PURCHASE MORE!!!!  
Secondly - this project may promote the finishing of the 1/2 dozen socks that are lying about waiting for their mates(so that I can use up the leftovers!!!)

Third - I'll get to use my favorite Wendy basket that I've had for at least 15 years - I plan to fill it to the brim with yarny goodness before I even begin the construction of the actually 'quilt'.
Fourth - more sock yarn (did I already mention that?)
There's lots of other reasons - all of that leftover poly fill that I haven't been able to part with will finally realize it's destiny!  And this is a totally portable project - small enough to carry about and keep on hand.  And hey, a shout out to my sock-knitting friends - join me?  There's a group on Ravelry for support!  You could also choose to decline and instead send me your small sock leftovers!  Oh Pauline, don't you have a little of that glorious yellow stored away?????

Have to go now, onion soup to prepare and hexagons to knit!


Delisa said...

Hi Jody! This is so cool! I have been crocheting on a hexagon shaped granny square blanket with my scrap yarn for two years now. I have almost all of the squares sewn together, with about 20 more to go. It has been so much fun and such a feeling of satisfaction knowing that I am getting to use my leftovers. It has also been a real challenge creatively to put the hexagons together in such a way that all the millions of different colors flow and look harmonious. I can only imagine how beautiful yours will be with all that wonderful sock yarn and the delicate texture of the knitting! You have really inspired me to get mine finished. Have fun working on your beehive! Delisa :)

SusanB-knits said...

The quilt is cute. I've seen others working on it but I don't think I'll be joining you. I'd love you send you some leftover sock yarn. Let me know.

Paulina said...

Yes, I do have some yellow left. I will send it to you. Right now I am using sock yarns and patterns to knit up delicate fingerless gloves. I will have to blog them for you. I just love making them although I don't wear them.